The beautiful Rozentheater is located in the heart of the Jordaan, around the corner from the Westerkerk. This multi-functional venue is a creative meeting place, known for innovative performances and inspiring events. Our Yes-And approach from improvisational theater applies to everything we do. Instead of ‘that is not possible’, we come up with creative solutions for your production, meeting or event. Our talented events team consists of account managers, performers, trainers, technicians, writers and musicians. The building has many flexible spaces and in house technical facilities are included. When you have your event in the Rozentheater, much less equipment needs to be rented. We love to share our passion for events and this great venue. Let’s organize an event together!
Noord, Oost, Zuid, West – wie kent Amsterdam op z’n best? Deze week nemen we je mee in de event locaties in Amsterdam centrum, onderdeel van Unique Venues of Amsterdam. Wat betreft dit stadsdeel is er…