Verwiel & Wijngaard

Hospitality staffing
about this partner

Engaging People, Engaging Teams. With this mission in mind, we build our teams every day. We do this by investing in the development and enjoyment of our own people. In addition, we spend a lot of time on the partnerships, usually of many years, with our relations in the top of the Dutch Hospitality.

By keeping promises, putting the relationship first and focusing on quality and involvement, Verwiel & Wijngaard makes the difference as a partner in personnel projects within the hospitality and events industry.

We have been doing this for more than 30 years at appealing locations, sporting events, concerts, exclusive receptions, fairs, festivals, and the following Unique Venues of Amsterdam:


  • Beurs van Berlage
  • De Nieuwe Liefde
  • Felix Meritis
  • Rode Hoed
  • The Maritime Museum
Get in touch
Verwiel & Wijngaard
Tilanusstraat 330 1091 MZ Amsterdam
020 – 489 00 95
Contact person
Jorrit Oosthoek
06 – 21573861


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